
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Session Four: My best holidays.

My best holidays were in the summer of this year, 2011. I went to Viña del Mar and Valparaíso for two weeks with six friends and we stayed in the house of my cousin.
The first days we visited the city of Viña del Mar, and especially the old places of Valparaíso, like "Barón Quay" and "Playa Ancha Hill". We went to "Jota Cruz", the emblematic restaurant to eat "chorrillana", which is a traditional food of the region. The next days we enjoyed the beach, also we went out all the nights with my friends and friends of my cousin, who were really nice.
I loved the experience of being with my friends living almost a month... And almost a month because after Viña I travelled to Maitencillo and Laguna Zapallar with other five frinds, for one week more on the beach. It was a very good time, because we were completely alone, so it was like living in the real life with them: we cooked, we cleaned the house, we had to do all the tasks of a house, but also we created a very close friendship, stronger than before.
Because of that the holidays of 2011 are unforgettable: because after leaving school, and before begining the university, I was with the most important persons in my life - including my family, but only in Santiago - and I could enjoy all the time together, considering that I can't see them as much as I want in the period of University.
So if you ask me if I want to repeat that, of course I do! But I hope that holidays of 2012 will be even better!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Session 3: My favourite movie.

All my favourite movies are romantic, but one that I specially love is "City of Angels", wich name in spanish was traduced like "An Angel in Love".

We live in a world where the angels are watching us in every moment, they live with us, but we cannot see them: they're just sends of God to guide us when we die and then take us to the Paradise. The angels can't feel anyhing, not even a touch or a smell: they don't have senses.
In this context an Angel - called Seth - is in a hospital waiting for the death of a pacient, and during the operation he sees the desesperation of a young doctor, Maggie, for saving her patient. In this moment, their eyes meet, and he believes that she could see him.
After that, he began to follow Maggie, seeing his pain about the death of the patient. Meanwhile, he was falling in love with her. One day, in the hospital, Maggie saw him - the reason was that the angels can be saw when they want to - and she also feels a special connection with Seth.
They started a friendship, and Maggie also falls in love with the Angel.
With the time Maggie realized that Seth couldn't feel nothing, and so she understand that he was not a human. She decided to leave him, and maybe get marry with another doctor, that "just can feel her". In this moment, Seth sacrificed his life like an angel and became human.
He went to Maggie's home to meet her, and with that's new, they decided to spend their lifes together. He can feels now, so everything was wonderfull for their both.
But, after a day together, Maggie dies in a car accident.

I like this movie because the following things that happened. After Maggie's death, Seth was alone in a new world of new sensations. He feels the pain, and we can think that we could believe that everything was in vain, because the romance with the love of his life was too short, God takes Maggie after just a day. But when another angel asks Seth if it was worthy, he answered "It was worthy just by feeling her skin for a second". I think it's so beautiful that a person - in this case, an angel - could give everything for love, for real love, even when it's just so sad, and when it's mean also pain, that I can admire that and believe that somowhere exist the real love :)

Session Two: A person on my field that I admire

I don't know if he's inmediatly related with my field, but I admire a really important character of the history of Chile: Jose Miguel Carrera.
Carrera was born in 1785 in Chile and studied in Europe, where he fight against the Napoleons Army, defending the Royalty of Spain. In Europe, he was influenced by the Ilustrated ideas, so when he arrives to Chile at 1811 he began the Independence movement inspired also in the American experience. He took the government after two coup d'état, when finally in 1812 he creates the first Chilean Constitution. Unfortunatly, the Spanish Army came to our country and re-established their Monarchy. It was the beginning of the Reconquist, where Carrera takes a main role. He accudes to U.S.A for help, but he was betrayed by the some Argentinians who considered Carrera a danger for the politic system that they - and Bernardo O'Higgins - wanted to create in our countries. Jose Miguel tried a lot of times to come back to Chile, but after all he was executed on 1821 accused of crimes of war in Argentina.
I admire José Miguel Carrera because I think he is the real founding father of our Nation, who create the fundaments of the institutionality and tried to give to our country the first organization like an Independent State. Also, I think that he's an example, becauso he fight for his ideals even when it cost his life.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Something about Me

It's very hard for me to begin to write anything, specially when I should do it about myself. I don't really know how I supossed to make it, anyway I would try (:
I'm a 18 years-old girl called Dominique. I am studyng Laws in University of Chile, in first grade, just starting a new stape of my life. I live with my mother and my little brother - he's 15 and studies in INBA - in Maipu, a very appart place of the civilization! I was born in Santiago and I've lived all my life here, but even when I love this city I would like to live in Valparaiso when I begin my professional life, basically because I think it's a very magic and bohemian place. The sea, the pure air and the clean sky in the night appears me like a beautiful vision of a future life, its seems to me like the perfect place to do the things that I love: Just walk by the city, read a lot of interesting books, listen to my favourite music... Just be in peace with the world and enjoy the little details of our lives.
Talking about my career, I ever wanted to study Laws because I believe that it could help to the world to be a better place... Well, I know that it sounds as nice as difficult will be do it. Anyway, like Che Guevera says "be young and not be revolutionary it's even a biological contradiction"
Finally, I just can say that I'm a normal person, like any other one, and that it's enough about myself for the moment (:
