
Friday, June 3, 2011

Session Five: My favourite piece of technology.

Definitly my favourite piece of technology is my notebook! It's a little old and slow, but it's absolutly necessary in my life. I got it since 2008 when I was in the secondary school, because my mum gave it to me as a gift for my birthday.
I use my notebook everyday, for a lot of differents things, and that's why I love it: I almost can do everything on it! I can use the internet, listen to music, play games, study and make the university's jobs, search information and read a lot of interesting things related with my career or other topics, communicate with my friend or with the people that I need to contact, watch movies and even watch TV, etc., And I can do all of that in every place, too. It's perfect! so I don't really know how the other generations could live without the technology, and specially without the computers, because they're so usefull and important in our modern life with the experiencie of the inmediacy of our communication and information. It is definitly a revolution of the world, and I can't imagine my life without this important source of entertainment and education.


Francisco Bustos D. said...

Hi Domi. How are you? I hope fine. I don´t have a notebook, my brother has one and my sister to, but even when my mother offered me give me one last summer, I said no.. I think that computer are very expensive and I prefer spend my money in other things I guess. But your position is true, they are essentials for modern life.

Barbara said...

Without my computer I would feel like without a part of my brain. They are so necessary for all daily activities.
It is amazing how human beings have adapted to these artifacts. It is amazing too how this devices do they work.

Nicol said...

A computer is indispensable I have all my life on it just like you said this things revolutioned the world-


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