
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Session Two: A person on my field that I admire

I don't know if he's inmediatly related with my field, but I admire a really important character of the history of Chile: Jose Miguel Carrera.
Carrera was born in 1785 in Chile and studied in Europe, where he fight against the Napoleons Army, defending the Royalty of Spain. In Europe, he was influenced by the Ilustrated ideas, so when he arrives to Chile at 1811 he began the Independence movement inspired also in the American experience. He took the government after two coup d'état, when finally in 1812 he creates the first Chilean Constitution. Unfortunatly, the Spanish Army came to our country and re-established their Monarchy. It was the beginning of the Reconquist, where Carrera takes a main role. He accudes to U.S.A for help, but he was betrayed by the some Argentinians who considered Carrera a danger for the politic system that they - and Bernardo O'Higgins - wanted to create in our countries. Jose Miguel tried a lot of times to come back to Chile, but after all he was executed on 1821 accused of crimes of war in Argentina.
I admire José Miguel Carrera because I think he is the real founding father of our Nation, who create the fundaments of the institutionality and tried to give to our country the first organization like an Independent State. Also, I think that he's an example, becauso he fight for his ideals even when it cost his life.


Miss said...

I don't know if he's inmediatly related with my field, but I admire a really important character of the history of Chile: Jose Miguel Carrera.
Carrera was born in 1785 in Chile and studied in Europe, where he TENSE fight against the Napoleons Army, defending the Royalty of Spain. In Europe, he was influenced by the Ilustrated ideas, so when he arrives to Chile at 1811 he began the Independence movement inspired also in the American experience. He took the government after two coup d'état, when finally in 1812 he creates the first Chilean Constitution. Unfortunatly, the Spanish Army came to our country and re-established their Monarchy. It was the beginning of the Reconquist, where Carrera takes a main role. He accudes to U.S.A for help, but he was betrayed by the some Argentinians who considered Carrera a danger for the WF politic system that they - and Bernardo O'Higgins - wanted to create in our countries. Jose Miguel tried a lot of times to come back to Chile, but after all he was executed on 1821 accused of crimes of war in Argentina.
I admire José Miguel Carrera because I think he is the real founding father of our Nation, who TENSE create the fundaments of the institutionality and tried to give to our country the first organization like an Independent State. Also, I think that he's an example, becauso he fight for his ideals even when it cost his life.

very good! it may not be so related but you have a point he WAS a very important man for Chile

Barbara said...

I admire Miguel Carrera too and his sister Javiera. She was the first who embroidered our flag with white, blue and red colors. Also, she supported the patriot cause.

Nicol said...

He was a really controvertial men and still been a
controvertial figure. He was a oficial of the spanish crown
and well others things that were better discuse in person


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